Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shutter Speed - in low light

Okay, and one more question...if I'm using like a 50mm and I'm f2.8 inside what would you set the shutter speed at if you're shooting in manual. I mean I know it depends on the light and stuff...but give me a ballpark.

I would never go under 1/100 when I am hand-holding and trying NOT to use flash or get motion. This is a general rule, but it's a pretty good one.

As I used to say to my Art students, you have to know the rules to break the rules. This means if you know how things work, you can then go outside the box. That way your "outside the box" is INTENTIONAL!

If you are trying to photograph motion, you'd want to go under 1/100. Like at a wedding dance, or when someone is running and you want to show their "trail".

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